Gospel Parallels
Bible Study series
Gospel Parallels
Currently we are developing another Bible Study, “Gospel Parallels”. A chronological study of the 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), simultaneously.
Worship Service
WS series
WS Series
If you want to engage with our Sunday Worship Service’s message, simply watch chronologically each teaching, search by topic, keyword, look at the categories, perhaps that will help you better.
Bible Study series
We have done a full Bible Study of the Letter of the Apostle Paul to the
Romans (76 Episodes).
Romans (76 Episodes).
Kids 7 - 12
Kids series
Kids 7 - 12
Kids from 7 years old or older will enjoy this series
Little Ones
Kids series
Little Ones
Little Ones younger than 7 years old will enjoy this series

Dr. Gian C. Villatoro, his wife Tracy, and a loving group of believers founded Victory Church in September 2016.
Our commitment is to exalt the name of our Lord Jesus, to proclaim the Greatness of the Kingdom of God, to teach the Truth of The Holy Bible, to encourage believers to devote their lives to serve our Lord, to provide tools for leaders to develop mission fields, and eventually become organized churches, all this with the intention of SAVING SOULS.